How i failed learning japanese dance

Almost every teacher told me the same -anyone can learn Japanese dance: young, old, sporty, clumsy. What they didn't tell me is that even though as an amateur student you will not be subjected to the same level of scrutiny, the topic / subject of your learning - which is the dance form - is same for everyone. As an amateur, you will be learning the same dances as professionals do, just without the support system that would propell you into an artist. Why do I learn Japanese dance then? As someone who jokingly refers to themselves as a "professional beginner", I tried to understand the reasons behind my personal failure to learn the noble art of Japanese dance.

Doživljaji iz Japana (1. dio)

Jest da smo u zemlji izlazećeg Sunca, ali to ne znači da se moramo dizati zajedno sa Suncem; prkoseći uobičajenim turističkim praksama iskusili smo svakodnevnicu Japana tek iza 10 sati ujutro. Protivno svim savjetima Gorana Milića, na svoj prvi sat plesa zakasnila sam skoro 10 minuta. Vidjeli smo stolice bez nogu, zidove bez izolacije, blagovaone bez boravka, WC-e sa špinom umjesto vodokotlića te kupaone u kojima se tušira izvan kade. Kako je to sve izgledalo pročitajte u nastavku...